About Us
WANSC Executive Director
Cindy Kolander
WANSC Thrift Store Manager
Barb Grotberg
WANSC Board of Directors
Jim Britton
Karen Carlson
Rhonda Christianson
Sofy Clayton
Beverly Herfindahl
Brad Milbrath
Lisa Mokoff
Vicki Neidt
Julie Oslund
Gretchen Priebe
Larry Sipe
Gary Worke
The Waseca Area Neighborhood Service Center (WANSC) is a non-profit agency that is home for programs including the Thrift Store and Food Shelf and allows all of our programs to be in one convenient location for you. WANSC was licensed in the early 1980’s to assist those in need. An emergency food shelf had been established in Waseca in 1971 as a sharing center for home grown products, etc.
Over the years, the need for food assistance has continued to rise.
WANSC is seen as an umbrella agency with an overarching responsibility for a food shelf, thrift store, and many other programs to help meet the needs of area residents.
Many volunteers from schools, businesses, churches and the community are associated with each of the WANSC programs that help to expand the ability to meet the needs and expenses associated with each program.